What to Expect

From finding a place to park, to making your way into an unfamiliar building, and getting the kids settled in their classroom, visiting a church can be an intimidating experience.  Not to mention the concerns about finding a place to sit and wondering whether you are dressed appropriately!  At First Baptist Church, we do our best to make your experience enjoyable.

When you arrive at our campus, you will find an upper and lower parking lot.  Most visitors find the visitor parking spots in the upper lot to be convenient for entering through our main entrance.  At the doors, our greeters will welcome you with a smile and be happy to connect you with one of our members who can orient you to our building and help you get your kids safely checked in.  During our worship service, we provide childcare for children Pre-K and younger, but we value having our children in the service during the service.  Those with young children, special needs, or physical challenges, relax! We want you to feel comfortable. Children might wiggle and be noisy, and that is okay. Those with physical challenges might need to sit, stand, or move around throughout the service and that is okay. We want you and your family here. If you need to leave the sanctuary please feel free to do so at any time.

Be sure to take a bulletin as you enter the worship center, as this has information that will help you follow along throughout the service.  Our worship service is centered around glorifying God through song, prayer, and preaching.  We invite you to sing along with us, as some of the songs we sing you might have heard on the radio before.  We do our best to mix fresh, new songs with some of the familiar hymns of the faith.  We regularly include a mission moment video that reminds us of how God is using our offerings to advance His Kingdom.  As a guest, all that we ask you put in the offering box is the connection card attached to your bulletin.

Our pastors preach expository sermons, which means that they explain what the text means and then draws out practical applications.  Often we study God's Word verse-by-verse through whole books of the Bible  Feel free to visit our sermon audio or YouTube channel to get a feel for what you can expect.

While a few of our members dress up for Sunday morning worship, others wear their jeans and boots, and everything in between.  Just like God, our concern is not with outward appearance, but with the heart.  We look forward to you gathering with us!